Coffee Drops ☕️

Ad-free blog

During all these years blogging nothing makes me more distressed than entering a blog/website and having my computer screen invaded by countless advertisements Visual pollution makes me extremely bothered. I know there are thousands of people who make money with these advertisements, but there is nothing more boring than a personal blog having a Google Ads in unnecessary places.

In mid-2006 I discovered a site called, keri smith and jeff pitcher They gave life to this campaign in 2005 and currently the site is down, but the purpose is still alive Keep blogs free of advertising.

I am not against these advertisements, but yes about unnecessary excess on a website/blog.

As I said, I don't like to go into personal blogs and be greeted with a flood of advertisements, I won't do it here in mine and if one day it becomes monetized, be sure it will be so subtle that you won't even notice, but for now this is out of the question

If you also miss oldschool blogs and want to be part of it, click on the image below and save it on your server and show the world And of course don't forget to let me know, I want to know your blog too!

ads free!

See you soon!

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